Awards & recognition
Our work has been recognized
AXDEV has been honored for more than two decades for its work in research, education, performance improvement solutions and implementation science. The company has a history of strong values, ethics, integrity and scholarly work.
Suzanne Murray
Dave Davis Research in Continuing Medical Education Award from the Society for Academic Continuing Medical Education (SACME).
Suzanne Murray
Economic Development – Certified Women-Owned Business award presented by the Réseau des Femmes d’Affaires du Québec.
AXDEV Group Inc.
Alliance for Continuing Medical Education Award for Excellence in Educational Design in collaboration with The American Academy of Physician Assistants (AAPA), the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP), Integrated Learning Partners (ILP) and the Obesity Medicine Association (OMA).
AXDEV Group Inc.
The Global CME Impact Award from the Global Alliance for Medical Education (GAME) and the Global Education Group in collaboration with Eli Lilly & Co (Spain), and Consejeria de Sanidad Gobierno de Cantabria (Regional Health Authority, Ministry of Health, Government of Cantabria, Spain.
Boston University in collaboration with AXDEV Group Inc.
Award for Outstanding Prevention Effort from the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) in collaboration with the Boston University School of Medicine for the Scope of Pain program.
Suzanne Murray
Order of Merit from the city of Brossard for her scientific contributions.
AXDEV Group Inc.
Alliance for Continuing Medical Education Award for Outstanding Industry-supported CME Activity in collaboration with The University of North Texas Health Science Center & The CME Institute of Physicians Postgraduate Press, Inc.
AXDEV Group Inc.
Alliance for Continuing Medical Education Award for Outstanding Educational Collaboration in collaboration with The University of Wisconsin, The American College of Cardiology & The Mayo Clinic.
AXDEV Group Inc.
William Campbell Felch/Wyeth Award for Research in Health Education in collaboration with The University of Arizona & The American Epilepsy Society.
AXDEV Group Inc.
Mercuriades Award from the Federation of Chambers of Commerce of Quebec, the province’s most credible business award.
Suzanne Murray
Quebec Business Woman of the Year for her international contribution presented by
the Réseau des Femmes d’affaires du Québec.
AXDEV Group Inc.
Canadian Association of Continuing Health Education (CACHE) Award for most outstanding research paper in collaboration with The College of Family Physicians of Canada & The Office for Public Health of the Canadian Medical Association.
AXDEV Group Inc.
South Shore Business Association for Best Service Company.
AXDEV Group Inc.
AXDEV received the 2002 CACHE (Canadian Association of Continuing Health Education) Award in the Outcomes and Changing Behavior category (Canada).